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  • SmartCampus - Harrisburg Area Community College

    Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)

    Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) implemented JMT Technology Group's SmartCampus® solution as a public-facing interactive map. The new interactive campus map, designed to enhance the experience of students, faculty, and visitors alike. This user-friendly tool is available for all six HACC campuses and provides detailed information about buildings, entrances, parking, emergency resources, recreation, and other campus amenities.

  • SmartCampus - NC State University GIS Strategic Plan

    North Carolina State University (NC State)

    NC State University selected JMT Technology Group to develop the third iteration of the university's GIS Strategic Plan. With a goal to continue growing their robust enterprise GIS, optimize data organization and workflows, and establish new priorities, JMT Technology Group produced a roadmap to help them plan for the future.

  • Traffic Management Dashboard

    City of Syracuse

    This project has won an award

    Based on a request to enhance the operational effectiveness of the City of Syracuse’s Traffic Management Center (TMC), JMT Technology Group developed a dashboard to incorporate multiple data sources into a centralized platform. A Traffic management center (TMC) is a center that allows for decision making and control for a region’s street and highway network. Decisions made by its operators affect the region’s traffic signals, intersections, roads, congestion, reliability, as well as incident response during special events, emergencies, and crashes.

  • Local Roads Mileage System - Liquid Fuels Network Migration Design

    Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

    This project has won an award

    JMT Technology Group worked with stakeholders from PennDOT Central Office, as well as numerous districts, to develop, test, and implement the new PennDOT Local Road Mileage system. The system is used to determine the Liquid Fuels funding allocations for each municipality in the State. JMT Technology Group developed this workflow-based application to allow users to enter and edit liquid fuels inventory data, submit data for review, validate inventory data, and generate the required reports.

  • Guaranteed Pavement Information System

    Philadelphia Streets Department

    This project has won an award

    The Philadelphia Streets Department (the Department) is responsible for managing, maintaining, and regulating the City’s vast network of streets, roadways, and associated public right-of-way. Similar to most major cities, Philadelphia’s public right-of-way is home to a multitude of underground infrastructure such as water, wastewater, electric, and communications utilities. JMTTG replaced the legacy system with a modern, scalable solution that provides the flexibility, scalability, and interoperability needed to meet both current requirements and future phases. The new system is web-based and provides role-based access to the capabilities and content, including features such as project creation, utility clearance notification, and reporting. In addition, an advanced web-based GIS mapping component provides users the ability to perform tasks such as identifying project locations, searching for existing projects, as well as providing tools for conflict identification and management.

  • Vision Zero Dashboard

    Anne Arundel County

    This project has won an award

    In support of Anne Arundel County’s strategic highway safety program and Vision Zero goal of zero deaths by 2040, JMT assisted the County to conduct a comprehensive review of crash data, crash analysis procedures, strategic plans and guidelines, and recommendations.

  • GIS-Based Predictive Wetlands/Waters and Mitigation Modeling Tool

    Texas Department of Transportation

    JMT is developing a GIS-based Predictive Wetlands/Waters and Mitigation Modeling Tool for use in future transportation projects. These tools use ArcGIS Pro, ArcHydro, and other geoprocessing tools to predict the amount and type of potentially jurisdictional wetlands and waters existing along transportation corridors where project impacts may occur.

  • MD SHA Verification and Quantification of Bicycle Facility Pavement Markings

    MD SHA, Office of Highway Development

    Every year, Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) procures road improvement projects, including repairs and repaving, for state routes all over Maryland with a goal of increasing the number of designated bike lanes and markings where possible. JMT has worked with SHA over the last several years to visit these newly completed projects, take inventory, and calculate new and existing bike lane markings using Esri Field Maps and ArcGIS Pro.

  • SmartCampus - Berea College

    Berea College

    Berea College hired JMT (formerly Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers), to survey most of their utilities and primary building corners to compile the data into a GIS deliverable. As a result, roughly 7000 points were surveyed, and internal and external data resources were compiled to complete a dynamic tool for centralized data, asset management, future planning, and decision-making.

  • Guiderail Asset Management Platform

    New Jersey Department of Transportation

    JMT Technology Group worked with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) to develop a comprehensive technology-based approach to inventorying and prioritizing guiderail assets within the department’s current jurisdiction. The approach was designed to support prioritization of guiderail upgrades and to support the NJDOT Statewide Guiderail Improvement Program. The resulting data was used to develop and prioritize guiderail replacement and maintenance projects.

  • Next Generation 911 Solution - Montgomery County, PA

    Montgomery County, PA

    Montgomery County, PA selected JMT as its partner to establish the County’s first National Emergency Number Association (NENA) compliant address point dataset to support Next Generation 911 (NG911) dispatch. NG911 supports modern communication methods such as text, videos, and photos in addition to voice.

  • Utility Coordination Solution - Coordinate PA

    PA One Call System, Inc.

    The Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc. (POCS) works to prevent damage to underground utilities by providing an effective communication tool for use by project owners, designers, excavators, and facility owners. To accomplish this goal, POCS identified the need for a GIS-based software application to facilitate coordination and information sharing. JMT Technology Group developed the Coordinate PA application to identify overlapping geographic areas to identify collaboration opportunities.

  • Next Generation 911 Solution - Carter County, KY

    Carter County, KY 911 Office

    The Carter County, KY 911 office serves a large county in northeastern Kentucky with a population of 25,000. With many of its residents living outside city limits in rural areas, there was a challenge with accurate 911 mapping throughout its service area with moving into the next generation 911 standard. Carter County 911 and JMT (formerly Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers) worked together to bring county data up to next-generation 911 standard.

  • AIRPortal Program Management and Support

    MDOT Maryland Aviation Administration

    JMT Technology Group provides GIS and document management services to MDOT MAA for Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall and Martin State Airports. Content is available to authorized MAA employees and consultants through a web-based application named AIRPortal. JMTTG continues to provide these services to ensure AIRPortal content is comprehensive, current, and accurate. JMTTG supports the AIRPortal users and continues to enhance the MAA business processes so that AIRPortal is seen as the “trusted source” for MAA engineering content documentation.

  • Google and Apple Wayfinding Data Delivery and Updates

    MDOT Maryland Aviation Administration

    In support of its goal to provide exceptional customer service, MDOT MAA requested JMT Technology Group's assistance to deliver accurate and up-to-date indoor space management data to Google and Apple for use in their online mapping and wayfinding applications. Airport customers rely on these applications to find facilities and services in the terminal including restrooms, elevators, restaurants, and shops.

  • Ataya Property Survey

    Kentucky Fish & Wildlife

    JMT provided professional surveying services for a 54,000-acre boundary survey covering multiple tracts in Knox, Leslie, and Bell counties; JMT reviewed and analyzed documents and information to be transferred into a CAD/GIS database and used in the field to complete the survey. The project involves deed research, GIS collaborative mapping, fieldwork planning, inventories, inspections, and creating and updating project dashboards.