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Our Solutions

  • Pavement Data Validation Tool

    Do you need validation? JMT Technology Group's Pavement Data Validation Tool allows transportation agencies to easily process, format, and validate raw roadway data for import into enterprise databases and efficiently prepare for HPMS submittal.  


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  • JMT SmartVision

    JMT SmartVision is JMT Technology Group's proprietary computer vision model that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to interpret and extract meaningful information from visual data, such as images or videos. 

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  • Pavement Technology Solutions

    Is your pavement management program on the right path? JMT Technology Group can provide you with a holistic solution that allows decision-makers to inventory, inspect, and remediate while keeping an eye on costs.

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  • SmartCampus

    Your students are smart...is your campus?

    SmartCampus is a plug-and-play solution that assists large-scale institutions to determine the what, when and where of physical assets.

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  • Next Generation 911 Solution

    When seconds count, JMT Technology Group is responding to the call. If you are getting ready for Next Generation 911, JMT Technology Group has the solution to help you put out your data fires.

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  • VirtualSpaces

    AR/VR Experience Solution

    With JMT Technology Group's VirtualSpaces you can experience your data in a whole new way! Explore our turnkey platform for virtual and augmented reality experiences.

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  • Digital Accessibility Services

    Accessibility can be confusing, but it doesn’t need to be complicated. JMT Technology Group can guide you through making your content compliant with federal Section 508 and international WCAG guidelines for accessibility.

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