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SmartCampus® - Berea College

Berea College - Berea, Kentucky

Markets utiltized:

  • Buildings & Facilities
  • Public Safety
  • Utilities


  • Asset Inventory Collection
  • Data Management
  • Data Visualization
  • Data-Informed Decision Tool
  • Geospatial Solution Workflows Development
  • GIS Data Integration
  • GIS Inventory Mapping
  • Spatial Data Creation & Maintenance

Berea College hired JMT (formerly Vaughn & Melton Consulting Engineers), to survey most of their utilities and primary building corners to compile the data into a GIS deliverable. As a result, roughly 7000 points were surveyed, and internal and external data resources were compiled to complete a dynamic tool for centralized data, asset management, future planning, and decision-making. Toward the project’s completion, a presentation was given to the College’s Administrative Committee and Board of Trustees to give an update on the project and to demonstrate the usefulness of the data. The outcome of this meeting produced Phase II of the project. This Phase II is in the works to expand GIS building data that could include building forms, BIMs, electric utilities, trail mapping for the College’s roughly 9000-acre forest, utility mapping for additional properties, and a land information system to compile the college’s sprawling list of property data.

“Their thorough, quality work is what got the GIS program at Berea College off the ground. Having our assets at our fingertips has saved us valuable time and money and provided an excellent foundation from which to move forward.” - GIS Specialist for Berea College

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