See You at the 2025 AASHTO GIS-T Symposium!
JMT is looking forward to attending the AASHTO GIS-T Symposium in Portland, OR, from April 7 to 10! Our team will be ready to connect with you at our immersive booth experience as well as at our presentations. You’ll have the opportunity to get to know Maria Martin, Phill Izenson, Nate Reck, and Bryan Kelley at our exhibit as well as discuss current industry trends and solutions.
Add our presentations to your conference agenda:
- Exploring AR/VR to Support Digital Delivery for Transportation Projects | Presented by: Maria Martin
April 9, 2025 | 2:00 PM-2:30 PMPT | Exhibit Hall E - Rapid Fire Theater
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) tools are evolving to integrate with GIS and are being implemented in transportation projects. Designs, as-builts, and 3D models can be brought to the project site and placed on a 1:1 scale in the field. These advanced visualizations benefit transportation agencies, including efficient collaboration, minimizing construction impacts, and clear and transparent communication with stakeholders.
JMT will explore the benefits and possibilities AR offers to GIS and the transportation industry, discussing use cases such as utility conflict detection, as-built updates, clash detection, design review, and project documentation. During the presentation, JMT will share key learnings and best practice tips from our experiences, including projects like JMT’s award-winning digital experience for the Virginia Department of Transportation's I-95 Rappahannock River Crossing Construction Project.
- Enhancing GDOT’s Collaboration for Surplus Parcel Management | Presented by: Nate Reck
April 10, 2025 | 10:30 AM-11:00 AMPT | Meeting Room E145-E146
For many transportation projects to move forward, DOTs must purchase surrounding property to ensure enough space for the build and any required rights-of-way. Due to zoning requirements, proximity of structures to the right-of-way, and other unforeseen circumstances, the DOT can have to purchase an entire property when only a portion of the land is needed for the project. This excess or surplus property will sit unused unless the parcel can be subdivided back out and sold.
Selling these unused parcels of land can bring revenue to the DOT and the districts and counties where these properties reside. However, there are many steps that the agency must follow before being able to market the property for sale. This vetting process can involve going through several reviews for potential impacts or needs, such as environmental research and testing or upcoming projects that will require the use of the land. All this coordination can become a lengthy and inefficient process, with a paper trail that is hard to follow and questions on the validity/management of the surplus parcel data.
In this session, learn how the implementation of ArcGIS apps and other system integrations have created a streamlined and straightforward process for Georgia DOT (GDOT) to manage their database of surplus parcels and the overall vetting process. We will share how these improved workflows have allowed GDOT management to better communicate with District Engineers and other departments, thus creating a collaborative environment for various teams to quickly share data, making the vetting of marketable properties more accurate and timelier.